публикации, те что мне встретились
(по стопам обзора и полнотекстовые из пабмед)
1) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=Angeli-Besson%20C.%2C%20Koeppel%....
о лечении тетрациклином
полнотекстовый обзор
3)3 наблюдения и обсуждение лечения
"As the etiopathogenesis remains unknown, there are many different proposed treatment approaches, such as oral antibiotics (minocycline, doxicycline, fusidic acid, clarithromycin, erythromycin and azythromycin), selenium sulfite, calcipotriol, radiotherapy, ultraviolet light, thyroid extract, 5-fluorouracil, hydroquinone, progesterone, coal tar, salicylic acid, urea, liquid nitrogen, dermoabrasion, topical retinoids (retinoic acid and tazarotene) and systemic retinoids (isotretinoin, etretinate) 3, 7.
Response to retinoids support the theory of a disease caused by keratinization disorder. The use of oral isotretinoin 1-2 mg/Kg/day has been advocated and produced some favorable outcomes within two months. Patients in cases 2 and 3 were initially treated with oral and topical antifungal agents and presented partial improvement within the first 15 to 30 days. The same clinical improvement was observed by Shimizu et al., favoring the hypothesis of the existence of an infectious agent that triggers the process. It would also explain the good response obtained with the use of oral minocycline (200 mg/day for 10 weeks, reaching a response within 2 weeks), even though the antianabolic and antiinflammatory effects of tetracyclines may contribute to improve the clinical presentation 7, 8. It seems reasonable to assume that Gougerot and Carteaud CPR have multifactorial etiopathogenesis, similarly to other diseases such as acne vulgaris, rosacea and seborrheic dermatitis, which would help us understand the therapeutic response to agents with very different action mechanisms."
частные случаи
об эффективности миноциклина
minocycline therapy is highly effective in most patients,
также если я правильно поняла авторы ставят под сомнение сущестовавшее ранее предположение о роли микотического процесса
(fungi are not involved in the pathogenesis of this condition, as has been previously proposed)
5) и др.
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