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International Dermoscopy Society

It is our pleasure to announce a new endeavor of the International Dermoscopy Society, namely, a SURVEY aimed to explore the attitudes of the IDS members in approaching patients with skin tumors and the way of using dermoscopy in their routine work.

The survey is composed of 29 questions (subdivided in 4 pages) and it will take not more than 5 minutes to be completed!

We would really be grateful if you decide to participate to this dermoscopy survey. With your participation you will definitely contribute to establish new guidelines for all clinicians interested in implementing dermoscopy in their clinical work.

Participants are allowed to respond to the survey anonymously (without logging in) and are prevented from responding to the survey more than once (by cookie). Respondents who return to a completed survey can edit their original responses (within 30 days).

The deadline for completing the survey is October 15th and the analysis of the results will be available on the website by December 15th.

Please click on the following link to participate in the survey: survey.telederm.org


With all our best regards
Geppi Argenziano & Iris Zalaudek
for the IDS executive board members

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